Sunrise Movement PDX: 2020 Primary Endorsements

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the climate champion candidate. It is still important to vote for Sanders in the primary, as more delegates mean his progressive policies have more influence at the DNC in August.

Amanda Siebe will fight for everyday Oregonians. She would be a strong advocate for disability rights and injured workers.

Amanda Siebe will fight for everyday Oregonians. She would be a strong advocate for disability rights and injured workers.

Doyle Canning dedicates herself to fighting climate change and bringing people together to create comprehensive solutions.

Doyle Canning dedicates herself to fighting climate change and bringing people together to create comprehensive solutions.

Mark Gamba has proven his dedication to fighting the climate crisis and prioritizing affordable housing. As Mayor of Milwaukee, Mark implemented the most ambitious climate plan in any municipality of the state.

Mark Gamba has proven his dedication to fighting the climate crisis and prioritizing affordable housing. As Mayor of Milwaukee, Mark implemented the most ambitious climate plan in any municipality of the state.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner has diverse leadership experience and is committed to a transparent and accessible government.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner has diverse leadership experience and is committed to a transparent and accessible government.

Wlnsvey Campos has proven her dedication to her community through her work as a case manager, community organizing and education.

Wlnsvey Campos has proven her dedication to her community through her work as a case manager, community organizing and education.

Serin Bussell has experience working in Oregon politics, working with unions and fighting for environmental justice. She is dedicated to fighting for everyday Oregonians and standing up to corporate powers.

Serin Bussell has experience working in Oregon politics, working with unions and fighting for environmental justice. She is dedicated to fighting for everyday Oregonians and standing up to corporate powers.

Paige Kreismann is the electoral and legislative co-chair for the DSA and will be a champion for progressive reform.

Paige Kreismann is the electoral and legislative co-chair for the DSA and will be a champion for progressive reform.

Khanh Pham is an environmental justice champion who played an instrumental role in getting the Portland Clean Energy Fund passed.

Khanh Pham is an environmental justice champion who played an instrumental role in getting the Portland Clean Energy Fund passed.

William Miller (Cherokee/Blackfeet) has extensive advocacy and policy background. He is determination to address issues such as mental health and addiction services that are often overlooked by the government.

William Miller (Cherokee/Blackfeet) has extensive advocacy and policy background. He is determination to address issues such as mental health and addiction services that are often overlooked by the government.

Brandee Dudzic is dedicated to the people of Columbia County, has a passion for environmental justice, and will to advocate for a more sustainable economy.

Brandee Dudzic is dedicated to the people of Columbia County, has a passion for environmental justice, and will to advocate for a more sustainable economy.

Sarah Iannarone has an innovative, comprehensive and just vision for Portland and has viable plans to create that change.

Sarah Iannarone has an innovative, comprehensive and just vision for Portland and has viable plans to create that change.

Carmen Rubio will use her organizing background and policy experience to engage Portlander’s on critical issues.

Carmen Rubio will use her organizing background and policy experience to engage Portlander’s on critical issues.

Julia Degraw has comprehensive reform plans and a commitment to engaging everyday Portlanders in the solution creation process.

Julia Degraw has comprehensive reform plans and a commitment to engaging everyday Portlanders in the solution creation process.

Chloe Eudaly has proven her dedication to affordable housing and making civic engagement accessible to all.

Chloe Eudaly has proven her dedication to affordable housing and making civic engagement accessible to all.

Chris Smith has played an essential role in Portland's green transition by voting against the Rose Freeway expansion, co-founding the No More Freeways Campaign and extensive advocacy work.

Chris Smith has played an essential role in Portland's green transition by voting against the Rose Freeway expansion, co-founding the No More Freeways Campaign and extensive advocacy work.


Vote yes on Measure 26-09 

which is a renewal on the gas tax. The gas tax is a ten cent per gallon tax on gas at all gas stations in portland. The tax puts money towards road maintenance and improvements on side walks and safe routes to school, bike lanes and vision zero areas.

Vote yes on Measure 26-210

which is a housing measure which if passed would be a 1% tax on taxable income of high income earners and high profit businesses. This money would provide housing services for ~5,000 people experiencing houselessness, and would fund housing support for ~10,000 households experiencing or in risk of experiencing houselessness.


Sunrise Movement PDX is a movement of young people working to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. The Portland hub is one of hundreds across the nation who are organizing for a just and livable future for all. Our generation is the first to feel the impacts of the climate crisis, and we will be the last generation able to stop it.

In our efforts to elect politicians who stand up for the people—not the fossil fuel industry—our entirely volunteer-led hub chose to endorse select candidates for the Oregon 2020 Primary. Our endorsements come after a thoughtful and deliberate process to elect politicians who center climate justice values in their platforms. In order to participate in our process, candidates were given the opportunity to fill out a survey that detailed their accomplishments, values, and policies. Our Endorsement Selection Team studied the submitted surveys and did extensive research to recommend endorsements that were then approved by the Portland hub at large.

We are pleased to announce that all of our endorsed candidates have signed or have agreed to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge and the Green New Deal Pledge. These candidates come from a variety of backgrounds but support a diverse and intersectional platform of progressive issues. They support our vision of transitioning away from fossil fuels and moving Oregon to renewable energy, and they advocate for ending the corrupting influence of fossil fuel in our government and elections. These candidates work with and for Oregon's union and labor groups, and they fight for policy that is informed by a Green New Deal. 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated that we have under ten years to take meaningful, deliberate action at every level of government in order to mitigate the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Our generation is running out of time, and we need people in office who share our sense of urgency. Our values and priorities require that we choose candidates who recognize that:

  • Transportation justice is climate justice. Our endorsed candidates support equitable modes of transportation that do not rely on the burning of fossil fuels. They also support increasing funding of public transportation as well as bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

  • Housing justice is climate justice. Our endorsed candidates have policies to support those in our community displaced by climate change. They also support local zoning reform to promote low-carbon communities, and increasing Portland and Oregon’s housing supply in an equitable manner.

  • Racial justice is climate justice. Our endorsed candidates stand for bold, just policy and understand that marginalized communities are the first to be impacted by the climate crisis.

There are races in which Sunrise Movement PDX chose to not endorse any candidate. After intense and thoughtful deliberation, in some races our hub was either not able to come to a consensus, or did not feel our endorsement was appropriate. 

In several of these races, it was difficult to make a choice. We are lucky to have so many excellent candidates in Portland. Our goal this election season is to stay in dialogue with all candidates, even those we did not endorse, because our goals and missions are shared. With these endorsements, we are rallying behind the candidates who best represent Sunrise Movement’s values and will champion climate justice once elected.

Sunrise Movement PDX is humbled by the recognition we have received as a new organization within the city, and we are incredibly grateful to all of the candidates who participated in our endorsement process. We do not take the action of endorsing a candidate lightly, and we acknowledge the power and privilege we have as a movement with national recognition. 

This is a defining moment in history. Alongside our endorsed candidates, we dedicate ourselves to the work needed to create a better world. 

For the future,
Sunrise PDX